Re-imagining Equity: Conversations Reshaping Our World series features moderated conversations with global leaders who explore voice and its influence in re-shaping our world. The series incorporates views from diverse fields including Business, Politics, Science, and the Humanities.
All Re-imagining Equity events are delivered in two parts; a panel discussion and interactive break-outs that invite you to be part of the conversation!
Participants will always have the option to join breakout rooms to continue the conversation and networking in a more intimate format.
Do you have an idea for a speaker? We would love to hear from you. Email suggestions to anhwcorpsecretary@gmail.com
'Re-imagining Gender Norms in Science'
Saturday 24th April
4:30- 6:00pm EST, 1:30-3:00 PST
Register Here
The Zoom link will be emailed one week before the presentation
The first presentation in the series, 'Re-imagining Gender Norms in Science,' will be an interactive event designed to explore the future of equity & inclusivity in STEM fields.
Featured Speakers:
• Deborah Hicks BA, MA – Principal, Deb Hicks and Associates, Past Chief People and Culture Officer Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
• Dr Jeanette Mladenovic MD, MBA – President/CEO of the Center for Women in Academic Medicine and Science
• Dr Gisela Storz PhD – National Institutes of Health Distinguished Investigator, Associate Scientific Director of the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health
The session will be moderated by Linda Rossetti, MBA 1991.
Register Here and learn more about the speakers and the event.
