food-bankSan Diego Food Bank Service Project: Report

The Report:  Each year, the Harvard Club of San Diego continues to impress when it comes to filling boxes with non-perishable food for those who face the threat of hunger. We know how to optimize the assembly line!  On June 7th, in 1 hour 15 minutes, we packed 780 boxes equating to 23,400 lbs of food that will serve 15,600 meals in San Diego County. June 7 -- Please join other like-minded members of the Harvard Community in helping San Diego families.foodbank

Each year we gather together as a group of Harvard alumni, family and friends forming an assembly line to fill boxes with non-perishable food for Senior Programs or the Food Assistance Program.  Other potential activities include: sorting donated items by checking expiration dates, condition and making sure all food meets acceptable criteria for distribution.  For the Food 4 Kids Backpack Program, we have also put together bags of food in previous years.  

Please join us in giving back to our community.  The San Diego Food Bank serves over 400,000 individuals and families each month who face the threat of hunger.

Casual attire is best.  Please refrain from wearing loose fitting clothing or jewelry, open-toed shoes, and sunglasses.  This volunteer opportunity is open to friends and family members eleven years of age or older with parental supervision.