HCSD Alumni Mentor Future College Students

Harvard and Stanford Alumni mentored students who will be the first in their families to attend college

On June 7th, the Harvard and Stanford Alumni clubs mentored students from the Bario Logan Collegitate Insitute and The Monarch School. 

Rob Meza, an FBI Special Agent with a certificate in Management and Administration from the Extension School, provided a keynote address for the 85 students in attendance. The students were then split into elementary, middle and high school groups. 

Our alumni helped the elementary school students make collages of their dreams and aspirations with pictures cut from magazines. Our mentors then discussed how college can help the students achieve their goals. 

The middle and high school students split into smaller groups and conducted 3 to 5 minute interviews with volunteers. The interviews were intended to give the aspiring college students a chance to ask about preparing for college and what the experience is like once on campus. 

All 85 students will be the first in their families to attend college.