San Diego Alums Join Harvard's Global Month of Service
Alumni and their families gathered on April 4th to help fight the battle against hunger
With a large turnout, San Diego Harvard alumni (and families) gathered at the Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank on Thursday April 4th as part of Harvard’s Global Month of Service.
Unlike previous years, we separated into TWO groups with one focusing on clustering apples into net bags as part of the San Diego School Backpack Program for grades K-6. With alumni and their children collectively tackling this activity, 3,038 pounds of apples were sorted for local schools. The apples that landed in the “toss” bin made their way the next day to horses in San Ysidro who happily await such treats from their caretakers.
The second group of Harvard volunteers was stationed on the assembly line, placing non-perishable food items in boxes.
After a facility tour which included an impromptu greeting from the CEO of the San Diego Food Bank, and 90 solid minutes of assembly line activity, 480 boxes of food were prepared for San Diego County Seniors totaling to 14,400 pounds of food which is projected to provide over 10,928 meals.
Thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers -- big and small! We hope to see you all out there again next year!